In this investigation we have studied coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and radio burst of shock related geomagnetic storms (GMS) for the time period 1997-2012. For this period we have found 54 shock related geomagnetic storms out of which 48 are associated with coronal mass ejections of different categories. Majority of shock related geomagnetic storms are related to halo coronal mass ejections. Further we have found the weak positive correlation with correlation coefficient 0.26 between the magnitude of geomagnetic storms and speed of associated coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Furthermore we have found out of 54 shock related geomagnetic storms, 28 are found to be associated with radio burst of different categories. Out of 28 shock related geomagnetic storms 8 geomagnetic storms are found to be associated type II radio bursts, 5 geomagnetic storms are found to be associated with type IV radio bursts, and 15 geomagnetic storms are found to be associated with type II and type IV radio bursts.
Keywords: – Coronal mass ejections, radio burst, geomagnetic storms.
Preetam Singh Gour, Shiva Soni