On October 7th 2008, Quantus flight took off from Singapore and within a few minutes it was flying in auto pilot mode at its maximum altitude, suddenly the node of the plane went up and the plane went up 200 feet while flying and suddenly the node of the plane went down and came down 650 feet. In such a statre, the plane started moving up and down on its own, due to which 119 passengers got injured, the pilot somehow made an emergency landing of the plane. Investigation showed that one bit in the signal bit given to the FCPC (Flight Control Primary Computer) had changed automatically, how this trigger was changed in the software of the FPC of Quantus 72, The main reason for this is not known but many scientists say that there is a strong possibility of a bit trigger in the CU due to cosmic rays; however, it is not recorded. Single event upsets (SEUs) occur in computer circuits when high-energy particles such as neutrons or muons from cosmic rays or gamma-rays strike the silicon used in microchips. This generates an electric charge that can change the internal voltage of nearby transistors, thus corrupting the data stored there. In this research paper, the effect and correlation of cosmic rays coming from the universe and the number of sunspots on the southern hemisphere are studied. Sunspot is a very interesting phenomenon which occurs on the sun and cosmic rays are highly energetic charged particles coming from the universe. There is an inverse relationship between the number of sun spots and cosmic rays, and a strange behavior was observed in both near the poles.
Keywords: – Galactic Cosmic Rays, Near Pole, Neutron Monitor, Sunspots Number.
N. K. Patel1*, P. R. Singh2, S. G. Singh3