Managing Demand in Commercial and Industrial Sectors: A Comprehensive Review


Demand Side Management (DSM) is an economical method of managing power networks with the goal of lowering expenses and capacity requirements. DSM has emerged as a pivotal strategy in the energy sector, offering industrial and commercial entities the means to optimize costs and enhance sustainability by intelligently shifting their energy consumption profiles. This review paper provides a comprehensive exploration of DSM’s application in the context of industrial and commercial loads. This review paper offers a thorough analysis of DSM methods and how they are used to optimize energy costs in the commercial and industrial sectors by shifting loads. The paper explores the basic ideas of DSM, highlighting how it can save energy costs and lessen environmental effects.

Keywords: – Demand Side Management, Demand Response, Industries, Commercial, Constraints.

Syed Mohammad Zeeshan1*, Bharti Bakshi Koul2, Obaid Ashraf3