Review on Construction Materials Management Practice on Project Sites


This paper reviews the research and development activities conducted over the past few decades on construction materials management practices. And it studies to block a void created by the absence of proper materials management on construction sites. It is on the analysis of factors affecting effective materials management in building construction projects. Material management is an important tool and element in project planning and controlling in order to improve productivity in construction projects. Having the right materials in the right place at the right time is important for effective execution of a building project. Manyresearchers have shown that, construction materials and equipment may constitute more than 60-70% of the total cost for a typical construction project. Improper handling and management of material on the site adversely affects the cost of the project. This makes it necessary to implement material management practices on construction industry projects. A properly implemented materials management program can achieve the timely flow of materials and equipment to the jobsite, and thus facilitate improved planning, increased labor productivity, better schedules, and lower project costs. Further, the proper management of materials component can improve the productivity and cost efficiency of a project and helps to ensure timely and effectively completion of construction projects. One of the major problems in delaying construction projects is deprived materials and equipment management. Hence, it becomes necessary to study and implement material management practices in all construction industry. However, this review paper focuses on different materialmanagement practices adopted on sites and discusses their advantages and disadvantages of materials management in construction site.

Key Words: Construction Materials, Construction site, Material Management.

1Asegid Tadesse, 2Srinivas Kumar, 3Krishna
