Determination of soil textural class by using USDA soil texture triangle


In this paper an attempt has been made to determine the soil textural class by using USDA (United State Department of Agriculture) soil texture triangle. The physical capacities of soil are influenced by the size, proportion, arrangement and composition of soil particles. Soil texture is determined by relative proportion of soil separates (Like sand, silt and clay) in a particular soil. The dielectric constant depends on the texture of soil. These dielectric properties of soil can be used to determine soil fertility and health.  In this paper six soil samples were collected from different sites of Arpa River of Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh. The laboratory procedure used for determination of amount of the various separates present in the soil is known as mechanical analysis. The international pipette method and bouyoucos hydrometer are widely for determination of texture. From the result of mechanical analysis, a textural triangle can be used to determine soil textural class. By using this USDA triangle, it is observed that sample one, two and six are sandy clay loam, sample three is sand, sample four is sandy loam and sample five is loamy sand. Soil textural profile has a great influence on plant growth. Soil texture helps to determine which type of crop can be grown on a specific land.

Keywords: – Texture, Dielectric Constant, USDA Triangle, Mechanical Analysis.

Rashmi Jain*