Balancing Work Life: Stress Management Techniques Implemented by Working Women

The study explores stress dynamics and coping strategies among married women employed as sewing machine operators in the textile sector, aiming to comprehend their challenges and suggest stress alleviation strategies. Employing a quantitative cross-sectional approach with 30 respondents aged 25 – 45 from Visakhapatnam’s textile sector, the research unveils multiple stress factors: heavy workloads (33.3%), job insecurity (13.3%), work-life balance issues (23.3%), interpersonal conflicts (10%), and personal stressors (23.3%). These findings highlight the intricate nature of stressors influenced by societal, economic, and workplace dynamics. Despite these challenges, survival mechanisms such as social support networks (23.3%), meditation / relaxation techniques (30%), and exercise (23.3%) demonstrate women’s resilience. The study recommends implementing occupational health measures, work-life balance policies, mental health support, skill development programs, and creating inclusive work environments to foster healthier workplaces.
Keywords: – Stress, Economic, Meditation, Exercise, Skill Development.

Shirley Lillian Mylabathula1*, Preeti Sharma2

1Research Scholar, School of Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences, Nirwan University, Jaipur- 303305, Raj., India

2Professor, School of Basic and Applied Sciences, Nirwan University, Jaipur-303305, Raj., India