Synthesis, Characterization And Crystallographic Features Of Zirconium Molybdo-Pyrophosphate As A Composite Material


A three inorganic ion exchange materials zirconium phosphate,zirconium molybdateand zirconium molybdo-pyrophosphate have been synthesized under identical conditions. Structures of these materialswere established by chemical analysis,X-ray diffraction, thermo-gravimetric and differential thermal analyses,fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and X-ray fluorescence analysis.From the data obtained the synthesized materials can be written as (Zr1.15PO4.8.3H2O)for zirconium phosphate with an amorphous structure and (Zr1.18Mo6.7.2H2O) and(Zr1.7MoPO7.2.3H2O) for zirconium molybdate and zirconium molybdo-pyrophosphate, respectively, with the semicrystalline structures. The data obtained from X-ray peak broadening analysis was used to evaluate the crystallite size and lattice strain by Scherer’s formula and Williamson-Hall (W.H) analyses. The chemical stability of these materials has been investigated in water and acidic media.The ion exchange capacity of zirconium molybdo-pyrophosphate for Pb2+ and Cd2+ ions have been studied at different heating temperatures.

Keywords: – Synthesis, Characterization, Crystallographic Features, Zirconium Molybdo-Pyrophosphate, Composite Material.

M. M. Abou-Mesalam, M.M El-Shorbagy, R.A.Abou-lilah, NagdaHossny, N.A.Badway

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