Statistical relationship of cosmic ray intensity modulation with coronal mass ejections and solar flare index indices


A Statistical examination of Cosmic ray modulation has been performed with Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and Solar flare index (SFI) for the period 1996-2014. We studied the relationship between Cosmic ray intensity and Coronal mass ejections as well as CRI and Hα Solar flare index for covering the solar cycle 23 and 24. In this study we take all the CME’s data from LASCO. The CRI data and Hα Solar flare index used in this analysis are taken from Oulu neutron monitors and website: In this study we have taken monthly mean value to calculate yearly averages of CRI, Frequency of Halo CME and solar flare index from 1996 to 2014. We have also correlated CRI with Solar flare index and Coronal mass ejections for the period 1996-2014 and found that Solar Flares are Very strongly negatively correlated with CRI, however, the value of Coefficient of correlation is r =-0.762.

In our linear regression statistical investigation we have obtained a high negative correlation between CRI and Halo CME’s (r = – 0.772) for the period of study.

Keywords: – Cosmic ray intensity modulation, Coronal Mass Ejections, Solar flare index, heliosphere.

Arvind Dhurve1*, Anil Kumar Saxena2, Rani Ghuratia3