Understanding world literature


World Literature is becoming   popular day by day. Many universities have included the World Literature as a subject of the syllabus of the department of English literature. Some of the universities like Perk university, China, Islamic university, Turkeya and Harvard University, London is offering special summer course on the World Literature. This is because the World Literature is attracting more and more people due to its universal themes and human emotions. Different scholars like David Damrosch, Mani B Venkat, H.M. Posnett etc. have different opinions regarding world literature and interpreted it differently. Some of them have discussed the features of the world literature, some have defined the world literature and even some of them have raised their fingers on the validity of the world literature. Apart from all these the process of the understanding of the world literature is also very important. In this paper we propose to study the various ways and process of the understanding of the world literature which will help equally the teachers, students as well as the general scholars who intend to study and understand the world literature.

Keywords: – Definition, Features, Understanding, Validity, Universal, World literature.

Asghar Ali Ansari*