Plant Growth And Water, Gwalior, M.P. (India)


Plant growth depends on water for a number of reasons, especially in a hydroponic garden. Water is the thing that drives the plant transpiration cycle. Without water, plants would not be able to uptake nutrients or transport nutrients within their tissue. While water itself will not cause nutrient uptake problems, the dissolved salts and minerals also present in your water just might. Distilled and reverse osmosis water should show a TDS of zero ppm on a properly calibrated TDS meter. As this number increases, the possibility of a nutrient uptake problem also increases. Plants have been proven to remove harmful airborne harmful contaminants and increase oxygen level which can lead to increased concentration and productivity levels. So, to reap the benefits, we must learn first how to water these greens. The number one killer of houseplants is over-watering. Poor water quality can also be dangerous

Keywords: plant growth nutrients, chemical and water parameter.

Naveen Kumar Singh, Savita Chauhan and Sandeep Gangrade

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